DSpace 7.0 Beta 3 Now Available!
As a major contributor to DSpace 7, 4Science is pleased to share this announcement: Dear DSpace Community, The DSpace Leadership Group, the DSpace Committers and LYRASIS are proud to announce that DSpace 7.0 Beta 3 is now available for download and testing. Beta 3 is...
Concytec signs contract with 4Science for development of #PeruCRIS National Platform
On June 15, 2020, with over 1,3 million USD financing from the World Bank's Investment Project: "Improvement and Expansion of the Services of the National System of Science, Technology and Technological Innovation (Sinacyt)", Concytec signed the contract for the...
DSpace 5 & 6 Extension now Available to Support ORCID and New OpenAIRE Guidelines
Collaborating to Support Greater Visibility and Discoverability of Open Scholarship – DSpace 5 & 6 Extension now Available to Support ORCID and New OpenAIRE Guidelines http://www.carl-abrc.ca/news/release-of-dspace-5-6-extension-openaire/ Wednesday, May 20,...
Webinar: Implementation of the OpenAIRE-CRIS-CERIF Guidelines in DSpace-CRIS
Supported by OpenAIRE, 4Science has implemented the most recent version of the OpenAIRE Guidelines for CRIS Managers in the open-source repository software DSpace-CRIS, which extends the DSpace repository platform by research data and information management. Today, we...
DSpace 7.0 Beta1 Release is now available!
4Science is proud to be part of this achievement! Dear DSpace Community, The DSpace Leadership Group, the DSpace Committers and LYRASIS would like to formally announce the availability of DSpace 7.0 Beta1 for download and testing. 7.0 Beta1 is the first of...
4Science Contributions to DSpace 7, DSpace-CRIS 7, and DSpace-GLAM 7
4Science is one of the main contributors to DSpace 7 development leading the REST API sub-group—a crucial effort on a very relevant and extensive piece of DSpace code, namely the new submission and workflow with the Angular UI. A tight schedule has been approved by...
DSpace 5 & 6 extension will soon enable support for new OpenAIRE Literature Guidelines
From COAR: Collaborating to support greater visibility and discoverability of open scholarship - DSpace 5 & 6 extension will soon enable support for new OpenAIRE Guidelines Monday, December 2, 2019. – Several Canadian research libraries are providing funding to...
The UniMI Journals platform has switched to OJS3
4Science is pleased to announce that the migration to OJS3 of the journals platform of the Università Statale di Milano Riviste UniMI has been completed. This is the first adoption of OJS3 by a large multi-journal platform in Italy (41 journals and 3 monographic...
First International DSpace-CRIS User Group Meeting, Muenster (Germany, EU), 18 November 2019
4Science, together with The Library Code and other organizations in the DSpace-CRIS community, such as the Hamburg University of Technology, the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, the Georg-August-University Goettingen, the Otto-Friedrich-University Bamberg, the University of...
4Science at the Lyrasis Summit
Last July, DuraSpace merged with Lyrasis. After many years of collaboration and partnership with DuraSpace, we at 4Science are thrilled about the new opportunities that are opening thanks to a larger community and extended resources. Susanna Mornati, COO, CCO,...
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