DSpace 7.0 Beta 3 Now Available!

As a major contributor to DSpace 7, 4Science is pleased to share this announcement: Dear DSpace Community, The DSpace Leadership Group, the DSpace Committers and LYRASIS are proud to announce that DSpace 7.0 Beta 3 is now available for download and testing. Beta 3 is...

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DSpace 7.0 Beta1 Release is now available!

4Science is proud to be part of this achievement! Dear DSpace Community, The DSpace Leadership Group, the DSpace Committers and LYRASIS would like to formally announce the availability of DSpace 7.0 Beta1 for download and testing. 7.0 Beta1 is the first of...

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The UniMI Journals platform has switched to OJS3

4Science is pleased to announce that the migration to OJS3 of the journals platform of the Università Statale di Milano Riviste UniMI has been completed. This is the first adoption of OJS3 by a large multi-journal platform in Italy (41 journals and 3 monographic...

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4Science at the Lyrasis Summit

Last July, DuraSpace merged with Lyrasis. After many years of collaboration and partnership with DuraSpace, we at 4Science are thrilled about the new opportunities that are opening thanks to a larger community and extended resources. Susanna Mornati, COO, CCO,...

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