To extend its international reach and to boost the growth seen in the last 3 years (+61% on revenues), as of July 2022 4Science has become a joint-stock company. This transformation follows a careful assessment of sustainability with respect to foreign expansion, which 4Science has shown to fully support and strengthened with the inauguration of its new headquarters in the USA last July. The business plan foresees further significant growth in the coming years, thanks to the continued support of its clients. To implement this growth, 4Science has also successfully doubled its highly specialized technical staff in the 2021-2022 biennium. During this period, in the sign of the future and innovation, 4Science has proudly been recognized as an “Innovative SME”.

Itway, the parent company specialized in the fields of cybersecurity and cybersafety, led this operation with firm determination, to strengthen a process of enhancement that has never been interrupted since 2016, the year when 4Science started its operations. This has been accomplished thanks to the activation of medium-term financing and an increase in the company’s capital (now fivefold), as well as the entry of new investors.

This evolution does not change the company’s corporate structure, management, and governance: the guiding principles and mission of 4Science remain the same, namely “the creation of a global and open infrastructure to support the dissemination of knowledge through data and research results, and the digital preservation of cultural heritage,” a mission participated in and supported to date by more than a hundred clients worldwide.

“As enablers of the digital technologies of the future for research, academic and cultural institutions around the world, we are delighted to be able to signal this important corporate transition to support and accelerate the growth of a company that has already demonstrated much, and – we are convinced – has much more to offer” said Andrea Farina, president of Itway Group and chairman of 4Science.

In 4Science we have recognized the potential to generate, first and foremost, great value for society: we will continue to collaborate with the international community to support this growth, which shows 4Science at the forefront of the very advanced technology on which our solutions are based,” commented Cesare Valenti, CEO of 4Science.

Every action we take is aimed at bringing advanced and sustainable solutions for the benefit of the entire international community, particularly in support of DSpace (the most widely used open-source software for digital repositories in the world, Ed.), in total continuity with the past but with increased capacity“, added Susanna Mornati, COO of 4Science.