DSpace 7.2 is now available!

Hello everyone! 4Science welcomes the new DSpace 7.2 release! Also thanks to volunteer work donated by 4Science to the Community, DSpace  7.2 performances have substantially increased especially in the indexing area.  Continuing the tradition of DSpace-CRIS to bring...

4Science Webinar: ORCID Integration with DSpace 7 and DSpace-CRIS 7

When: : 4 November, 10.00 am (UK)/11am CET Why: The ORCID permanent identifier is a powerful, widely adopted means of linking people unambiguously to their publications, projects, institutions and more, and distinguishing each researcher across the globe. However, the...

DSpace 7.0 Beta 5 now available! Join us for the Testathon

4Science is inviting you to test DSpace 7 Beta 5, join us for the Testathon (ending on 7th May 2021). What is a testathon? We ask for anyone using (or planning to use) DSpace to help us test, report and mend bugs within the latest beta. The Testathon is a community...