4Science brings ORCID to DSpace

4Science and the DSpace community are always working together to improve and develop better and sustainable solutions for the management of digital objects, whether they are research products or cultural heritage. Thanks to the efforts of our team, the Dspace version...

4Science Webinar: ORCID Integration with DSpace 7 and DSpace-CRIS 7

When: : 4 November, 10.00 am (UK)/11am CET Why: The ORCID permanent identifier is a powerful, widely adopted means of linking people unambiguously to their publications, projects, institutions and more, and distinguishing each researcher across the globe. However, the...

DSpaceCRIS is officially the top ORCID-enabled CRIS/RIMS!

4Science is an ORCID Certified Service Provider, so we and our community are proud to highlight the fact that DSpace-CRIS emerges as the top ORCID-enabled CRIS/RIMS, ticking almost all of the boxes in ORCID’s own analysis and comparison of ORCID-enabled systems:...

DSpace-CRIS 7 has landed!

  4Science is delighted to announce that version 7  of the most widely adopted open-source solutionfor research data and information managementis finally available!DSpace-CRIS is a comprehensive, free and open-source Research Information Management System...