COAR-Notify and DSpace: what’s new?

COAR-Notify and DSpace news: what’s new about COAR Notify in the DSpace and DSpace-CRIS platforms.  From June 21st , 2024, DSpace 8 is available to the public with many major updates, one of which is the implementation of the COAR NOTIFY Protocol. Its...

DSpace 8 is now available!

DSpace 8 is now available!  Are you ready to explore the newest DSpace update?  The latest version of the world’s most widely used software for institutional repositories, DSpace 8, is finally here! We at 4Science are leading the DSpace community and are very happy...

The Barcelona declaration on Open Research Information

4Science supports and always supported the Research Information Management System realm thanks to the development and support of DSpace-CRIS, the first free and Open-Source extension of DSpace tailored for research output. That is why we welcome with great excitement...

4Science’s support beyond the DSpace community

At 4Science, our dedication to advancing open science goes beyond the DSpace community. We actively collaborate with various communities to drive progress and innovation. 4Science’s support beyond the DSpace community As a Platinum Certified Provider of DSpace,...

4Science’s Commitment to UNESCO’s Vision

In a world where knowledge knows no bounds, the principles of open science are more important than ever. 4Science’s Commitment to UNESCO’s Vision: we’re dedicated to driving positive change and shaping the future of open science in alignment with...