DSpace Certified Platinum Provider

Outstanding solutions for research and cultural heritage

Lead  contributors to the DSpace community worldwide

Repository solutions tailored to your needs 

Simple, and easy to install

Enable more functionalities

Showcase digital cultural material

Enhance your content

Preserve your datasets and make them more discoverable


4Science helps you make your data, information and digital resources meaningful.


We optimize your business processes, facilitate cost-effective decision making and enhance your visibility.


We promote the use of international standards & cutting-edge technologies.


We support Open Source projects and communities.

Our clients

“Exemplary responsiveness” ; “A far better experience” (than other solution providers in the same sector),
Robert Wilson, Middle Tennessee State University, 2021

“Experience in the space and knowledge in the area of digital libraries and repositories” (key in helping you meet your objectives);“Completely satisfied”,
Mario Bernardes, Universidade de Coimbra, 2021

“I and my colleagues very much appreciate the cooperation with the team of 4Science and are pleased with the results achieved”,
Markus Mueller, University of Bern, 2021

Our certfications & qualifications

4Science is the most qualified DSpace Certified and Platinum Service Provider

The communities we support

At 4Science we believe in collaboration and sharing.

We contribute to many open source projects and we collaborate with several international organizations and communities to develop, integrate and promote the adoption of technological standards.

Meet the team

Our team has gained decades of domain expertise and experience, both technological and methodological, resulting from numerous collaborations with universities and research institutes around the world. From digital libraries and open archives to research information management systems, from open standards and open source to interoperability protocols, from cataloging and preservation to ontologies and data analysis, we have the answers
you’ve been looking for.

Latest news and events

Open Science: A Priority for the Biden-Harris Administration

The Biden-Harris Administration has announced new actions to advance open and equitable research in the United States. This includes a focus on increasing public access to federally funded research, promoting open data and open-source technology, and investing in...

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The DSpace annual report: The review of an amazing year!

As DSpace certified Platinum provider, major contributor to DSpace and leading DSpace 7 committers we are pleased to announce with Lyrasis and the DSpace community the DSpace Annual Report 2022. This year was fulfilled with many great changes in the DSpace community...

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ORCID blog post: 4Science improves DSpace capabilities

In collaboration with ORCID, we developed an amazing blogpost about the ORCID and DSpace 7 integration as well as the background story between 4Science and ORCID. Our collaboration with ORCID goes way back in time. 4Science is proud to be a certified ORCID provider...

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