At 4Science we support openness. Our solutions are designed to enable open access and open data and are based on open source technologies.
openness enhances innovation and impact
open-source solutions offer business benefits including enhanced quality, security, shared risk and responsibility, transparency and cost-effectiveness.

We are Platinum Certified Providers and Leader contributors to The DSpace community with 2 official DSpace Committers who have been providing code to DSpace for almost a decade. Andrea Bollini is currently responsible for the subteam of the DSpace 7 UI Working Group, dedicated to refactoring/enhancing the REST API (using modern REST best practices). Luigi Andrea Pascarelli led the DSpace 5.6 Release and is currently engaged in the REST API subteam. The other developers at 4Science are engaged in both subteams of the DSpace 7 WG.
4Science has led the current DSpace 7 platform
Among the “historical” contributions, we could mention the contributions of our 2 Committers to the DSpace 4 release: integration between DSpace and Solr so to enable Discovery: Search & Browse by default in both XMLUI and JSPUI; a new Bootstrap-based default look and feel for JSPUI; bibliographic import and lookup in Submission; Sherpa/Romeo integration in the submission upload step.
Going even more back in time, in 2009 members of our team provided to the DSpace 1.6 version, among many improvements and fixes (, the ability to delegate/decentralise the administration of DSpace’ communities and collections (see Another important contribution to that version of DSpace was the development of the authority framework included by default in DSpace, which was then used to allow a smooth integration between the DSpace-CRIS data model and DSpace.

DSpace-CRIS is the first free open-source platform for the Research Data and Information Management ever developed. Our Team is the one that in 2009, together with the University of Hong Kong, developed the first pilot and since then have been continuosly working on enhancing the platform.
Differently from other (commercial) CRIS/RIMS, DSpace-CRIS has the institutional repository as its core component, providing high visibility on the web to all the collected information and objects, from publications and patents to projects and awards, from researchers’ profiles and CVs to organizations and funders.
DSpace-CRIS is an extension of DSpace: it broadens its functionalities and expands its data model to collect and manage research data and information, while relying on its large Community. DSpace-CRIS is compliant with many international standards (such as CERIF, ORCID, OpenAIRE Guidelines) to facilitate interoperability and data transfer.
Lyrasis, provides a wiki space to DSpace-CRIS with the purpose of exposing the documentation in a useful, collaborative way to stimulate discussion among DSpace and DSpace-CRIS users. All the contributions to the code, the new features of the platform, the technical documentation and the roadmap can be found here:DSpace-CRIS Home – DSpace-CRIS – LYRASIS Wiki

4Science became the 1st Italian company among the participating institutions, pioneering many technological improvements since 2017, and today is a proud Associate Member of the Consortium .
IIIF is a set of open standards that help archives, libraries and museums make the most of their digitized collections with features for visualization, deep zoom, annotation and more.
We developed a specific add-on for DSpace that enhnace your repository experience.
Or DSpace-GLAM solution is based on the IIIF framework bringing the exploration of digital cultural heritage to another level
We have joined the Universal Viewer conversation on GitHub proposing a new panel that raised great interest to visualize text side-by-side with the image (OCR Panel: PR#424)
We are also contributing back our findings (better support for 2.1) that came from using the DBMDZ IIIF Presentation JAVA API library.
IIIF standards are a set of shared API (Application Programming Interface) specifications for interoperable functionality in digital resource repositories. IIIF simplifies the analysis and sharing of digitized materials, migration between technology systems, and access to images for scholars and researchers.