4Science leads the worldwide community forward. 4Science is the lead contributor to the DSpace communitywith more than 1700 hours of technical development work donated. The hours donated equal almost $140,000, more than double the second donor’s contributions. We are proud to share this impressive achievement outlined in the DSpace 2023-2024 Annual Report (AR-2024-DSpace.pdf). This report showcases the significant improvements made in advancing the DSpace and Open Science infrastructure over the past year, with 4Science playing a crucial role as a lead contributor to the global DSpace community.   


Key Highlights from the DSpace 2023-2024 Annual Report   
Amazing Community Support   

The report highlights the strength of the DSpace community demonstrating a collective effort from members and contributors worldwide. Through code contributions, outreach, engagement efforts, and development funding, the community successfully supported significant releases of the DSpace software including the major release of DSpace 8.  


Our contributions  

As a lead contributor we have been at the forefront of innovation in the DSpace community. Our team’s supported the community with:  

  • Enhancing core functionalities   
  • Improving user experience   
  • New features to meet the always-evolving needs of the community  

This considerable commitment is also highlighted by the increasing number of institutions that have decided to partner with us; 8 of the top 30 universities in the world (QS World University Rankings 2025: Top Global Universities | Top Universities) have partnered with 4Science. This is a statement of our engagement and drive to deliver the best solutions and services to meet the ever-evolving institutions’ needs.   

The future of DSpace  

4Science leads the worldwide community forward. 4Science is committed to leading the development and support of open-source repository solutions. We are excited about the future developments in DSpace and look forward to continuing our role as a lead contributor. Susanna Mornati, Chief Operating Officer (COO) of 4Science and member of the Steering and Leadership Groups of DSpace, said: “We are proud to be leading DSpace’s evolution and are looking forward the announced investigation on the merger of DSpace and DSpace-CRIS, to bring even more functionalities and improve performance to the repository Platform for the Whole community”. Andrea Bollini, Chief Technology and Innovation Officer (CTIO) of 4Science and DSpace committer, said: “The progress mentioned in the DSpace 2023-2024 Annual Report is great. As a lead contributor, we at 4Science are proud to be part of this amazing community, driving innovation and advancing open science. Our commitment to DSpace is stronger than ever.”

As 4Science, we want to thank all members, contributors, and institutions that donated their time and efforts for the DSpace’s development. Together, we are building a more accessible and collaborative future for research and open science.    

Want to know more?

For more information about 4Science’s contributions to DSpace and our other open-source initiatives read the full report AR-2024-DSpace.pdf and DSpace 8 release notes: Release Notes – DSpace 8.x Documentation – LYRASIS Wiki   


Do you want to learn more? Visit our website, www.4science.com, or contact our team directly at info@4science.com.   

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Let’s continue this path of innovation and collaboration to drive the open science movement forward!