The DSpace annual report: The review of an amazing year!

As DSpace certified Platinum provider, major contributor to DSpace and leading DSpace 7 committers we are pleased to announce with Lyrasis and the DSpace community the DSpace Annual Report 2022. This year was fulfilled with many great changes in the DSpace community...

ORCID blog post: 4Science improves DSpace capabilities

In collaboration with ORCID, we developed an amazing blogpost about the ORCID and DSpace 7 integration as well as the background story between 4Science and ORCID. Our collaboration with ORCID goes way back in time. 4Science is proud to be a certified ORCID provider...

4Science brings ORCID to DSpace

4Science and the DSpace community are always working together to improve and develop better and sustainable solutions for the management of digital objects, whether they are research products or cultural heritage. Thanks to the efforts of our team, the Dspace version...