4Science Contributions to DSpace 7, DSpace-CRIS 7, and DSpace-GLAM 7

4Science is one of the main contributors to DSpace 7 development leading the REST API sub-group—a crucial effort on a very relevant and extensive piece of DSpace code, namely the new submission and workflow with the Angular UI. A tight schedule has been approved by...

DSpace-CRIS and DSpace-GLAM: The Community is Expanding

There is a growing interest around our open source solutions based on DSpace, with more and more institutions adopting them worldwide. To give a better idea of the growing DSpace-CRIS – DSpace-GLAM community, we have created a new page on the wiki:...

TPDL 2017: Putting Historical Data in Context with 4Science

In the last years humanities are witnessing a growth of available data.  In this context scholars and cultural heritage professionals have to be able to correlate different data sources to better investigate the articulation of historical phenomena and of the...