DSpace-CRIS and DSpace-GLAM: The Community is Expanding

There is a growing interest around our open source solutions based on DSpace, with more and more institutions adopting them worldwide. To give a better idea of the growing DSpace-CRIS - DSpace-GLAM community, we have created a new page on the wiki:...

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4Science is more and more international!

Plenty of new DSpace and DSpace-CRIS projects began this month, from Africa with the Durban University of Technology to Asia with the University of Kuwait, to Europe with the University College Dublin, the University of Coimbra and the National Institute of...

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4Science sponsor of the BIREDIAL-ISTEC 2017

4Science is a proud sponsor of the International BIREDIAL-ISTEC 2017 Conference, which will be held next October in La Plata, Buenos Aires, hosted by La Universidad Nacional de La Plata (Argentina), la Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas (Argentina) and the...

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DSpace-CRIS 5.8 and ORCID v2 API support release announcement

4Science is glad to announce the availability of the 5.8 version of DSpace-CRIS built on top of the recent bug fix release DSpace JSPUI 5.8: https://github.com/4Science/DSpace/tree/dspace-cris-5.8.0 This version includes bug fixes from DSpace 5.8 and provides support...

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DSpace-CRIS 5.7 release announcement

4Science is glad to announce the availability of the 5.7 version of DSpace-CRIS, built on top of the recent security fix release DSpace JSPUI 5.7: https://github.com/4Science/DSpace/tree/dspace-cris-5.7.0 This version includes the bug fixes from DSpace 5.7 and...

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TPDL 2017: Putting Historical Data in Context with 4Science

In the last years humanities are witnessing a growth of available data.  In this context scholars and cultural heritage professionals have to be able to correlate different data sources to better investigate the articulation of historical phenomena and of the...

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