4Science a Bibliostar

Quest’anno 4Science srl sarà presente al Convegno delle Stelline – Bibliostar con un proprio punto informativo al piano terra, stand A42. Il giorno 14 marzo dalle ore 13 alle 14 e ancora dalle 16 alle 17 in Sala Marinetti, 4Science ha organizzato due...

DSpace Community Annual Report

The DSpace Community Annual Report 2017 – July 2018 is now available. The Report provides an overview of the user community, membership, two brief community profiles, a technical overview, governance, finance, and events. In this document you can find the description...

Bringing DSpace-CRIS to South America

The 1st National Conference in Research Information Management in Peru will be held on July 19th and 20th in Arequipa (Peru) by CONCYTEC, the Peruvian National Agency for Research and Innovation. Organisations like euroCRIS, COAR, DuraSpace and 4Science will...


Coimbra University and 4Science are pleased to announce that the new ESTUDO GERAL, built upon DSpace-CRIS, is online (https://estudogeral.sib.uc.pt/). Estudo Geral is the name of the Digital Repository for the research outputs of the University of Coimbra and intends...