The DoGe Digital Library Gets an Update. Nearly two years after its debut on DSpace-GLAM, the DoGe Digital Library: Digital Pathways, which houses valuable materials from the University of Genoa and the University Library of Genoa, presents itself with a renewed look. The restyling of the graphic layout and the update of the technological infrastructure, based on the latest release of DSpace-GLAM. It offers new functionalities for both operators and users.

The DoGe Digital Library Gets an Update: Expanding Possibilities

The Digital Library expands the ways of narrating the book and documentary heritage through innovative and engaging thematic paths deeper connections between contents. And carefully curated aggregations by the DoGe work teams, with the support of 4Science. This synergy not only allows for the enhancement of the existing heritage but also makes consultation more intuitive and engaging for the end user, opening the Digital Library to new audiences.

The DoGe Digital Library Gets an Update: Optimized User Experience

The new graphic layout makes navigation more fluid and accessible. It offers an optimized and appealing user experience. Advanced search functionalities and new customization options allow for more in-depth and targeted exploration of content, opening up new possibilities for study and research and offering support for teaching across all disciplines. Don’t miss this evolution towards the future!

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DoGe: Digital Pathways

DSpace-GLAM with 4Science