4Science will be present at the following events, with multiple roles, as speakers, partners, sponsors:
COAR 2019 Annual Meeting, May 21-23, Lyon (France), https://www.coar-repositories.org/community/events/coar-annual-meeting-2019/
euroCRIS Membership Meeting Spring 2019, May 27-29, Helsinki (Finland), https://www.csc.fi/web/eurocris2019
Open Repositories 2019 (OR2019), June 10-13, Hamburg (Germany), https://or2019.blogs.uni-hamburg.de/
GARR conference 2019, June 4-6, Turin (Italy), https://www.eventi.garr.it/en/conf19/home
OAI11, June 19-21, Geneva (Switzerland), https://indico.cern.ch/event/786048/
Let’s meet there and talk about FAIR Open Science!