4Science: Pioneering Innovation. We are dedicated to more than just supporting the DSpace community. We are committed to being pioneers in advancing innovation for the open access and open science world. Our dedication to driving progress in this space is what sets us apart. An example of this commitment is our involvement in the COAR Notify project. 

COAR Notify: A Glimpse into the Future of Open Access 

COAR Notify project is a groundbreaking initiative at the intersection of open access and technological innovation. COAR, the Confederation of Open Access Repositories, launched this project with the goal of enhancing the discoverability and visibility of open access content globally. 

We recognized the immense potential of COAR Notify in revolutionizing the open access landscape. This initiative involves the development of a notification service that allows repositories to notify global aggregators, search engines, and other services about the availability of new content.  It will greatly improve the dissemination and discoverability of open access research outputs. It will help accelerating community adoption of a standard, interoperable, and decentralized approach to linking research outputs hosted in the distributed network of repositories. Resources from external services such as overlay-journals and open peer review services, using linked data notifications.

4Science’s Role in COAR Notify: Leading the Way 

Active participation of 4Science in the COAR Notify project exemplifies 4Science’s commitment to pioneering innovation. As a key partner in this initiative, we have been at the forefront of developing the technology and infrastructure needed to make enabling and sophisticated features available to the community. 

Team of experts at 4Science has been instrumental in shaping the technical specifications, standards, and protocols for COAR Notify. We ensure that it seamlessly integrates with existing open access repositories and services. We are dedicated to making this service accessible to institutions worldwide. We are promoting the widest possible dissemination of open access content and connecting services within the ‘publish, review, curate’ ecosystem.

What COAR Notify Means for Open Access and Open Science 

COAR Notify is more than just a technological advancement. It represents a significant step forward in the quest for a truly open, interconnected, and accessible global research landscape. It improves the visibility of open access content. It facilitates the discovery of valuable research and fosters collaboration among scholars, institutions, and researchers worldwide.