4Science Academy: a new way to learn: We are excited to present 4Science Academy! A new way to learn about Open Source technologies. In our fast-phased world, it is hard to stay up to date with new developments and learn new things. As the lead developers and contributors to the DSpace community, we want to give back more than just lines of code and documentation pages. That is why we are happy to introduce the 4Science Academy. 

What is the 4Science Academy? 

The 4Science academy is a series of engaging sessions where our experienced team will talk about different topics on Open science, Digital humanities & related technologies (such as DSpace & Dataverse), Introductions to new technologies, implementations, customizations, new releases, active guides, live demos, and much more! These sessions will be tailored for all the audiences from newcomers to senior experts. 

4Science Academy: a new way to learn: Every attendee will be given a participation certificate so do not miss out on this opportunity to learn and develop new skills and knowledge! 

Subscribe to our newsletter to stay up to date with the upcoming sessions! 

4Science Newsletter! 

Join us for the first ever 4Science Academy session! 

Title: Interoperability, relationships and digital ecosystems between cultural heritage & scientific research 

Date & Time April 16th 10:00 AM EDT 

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