4Science is a “young” DSpace Registered Service Provider, but the people working for 4Science are not at all new to the Community: Andrea Bollini and L. Andrea Pascarelli are long-term DSpace Committers: they have been contributing to the enhancement of DSpace for many years now and are strongly involved in the latest releases of current versions and the upcoming major 6.0 release.The team at 4Science is also the one that, in collaboration with the Hong Kong University, developed DSpace-CRIS, https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/DSPACECRIS/DSpace-CRIS+Home, to extend the functionality of the repository in order to manage additional entities of the research domain.

The main goal of 4Science is to support research institutes, universities and organisations in managing cultural heritage and research data and in realising complex digital projects. To do so, 4Science has constituted a team of experts who have gained decades of technological and methodological expertise thanks to their numerous collaborations with universities and research institutes.

4Science has already been chosen by several prestigious institutions as an expert partner for their projects, such as: the National Institute of Singapore (NIE) chose 4Science after a tender process to update their repository to the latest DSpace version 5.6; the Fraunhofer Institute in Germany decided to adopt DSpace-CRIS to collect and manage research information from their 67 institutes and 4Science will support their project; the Italian National Library of Naples is online, thanks to 4Science, with a brand-new digital library to disseminate their rich cultural heritage.

Needless to say, all the code developed is immediately shared with the DSpace and the DSpace-CRIS Communities.

We have many new and exciting ideas, http://www.4science.it/en/dspace-and-dspace-cris-services/#advanced, and we can’t wait to share them with the Community to contribute to the advancement of DSpace and DSpace-CRIS!